
Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Mike Healy's Power of One Presentation


by Mike Healy

As most of you know, I began my Xango business with nothing but the desire to make some more money for my family.
One of the GREATEST things to impact my business was when I came up with the "Power Of One" presentation.
This is the presentation that I used and still use in ALL of my meetings, whether in a group or 1-on-1.
It basically goes like this...

12 Months

1 - 1
2 - 2
3 - 4
4 - 8
5 - 16
6 - 32
x $100
x 5%= $150

x $100
x 5% = $10,000

Here's the concept and the power behind it if you are not familiar with it.
Everyone wants to make money.
But most people don't have a PLAN to make more money.
By showing someone that if they ONLY sponsored JUST 1 person per month and work with that person to do the same, they could potentially create a six-figure income. (Remember- people will only join you if they believe they can do what you just did during your presentation to get them in)
Most everyone that sees this presentation will join because....
They BELIEVE they could get 1 person per month and they BELIEVE that it's not a "get rich quick" program.

From 7-20-2004 to 7-20-2005 I had an increase in volume just over the numbers above. And 4 years later I am still enjoying the benefits of that "push".
It was not because of how I "structured". It was because I worked my butt off !
The point is, if you are not keeping it simple, you will never build a solid business.
It' just a matter of Faith, Work and Patience.
Sorry but there are no "Short cuts" to success.
It isn't whether you structure this way or that, it's all about being CONSISTENT on a DAILY basis.
Here is a VIDEO of a conference call I did a few years back being interviewed by Aaron Rashkin. It's less than 5 minutes long but I think you will understand the true power of it.
Click on this link to view it-

Just think about what can happen if the "12 month numbers" include Singles, 3sixty5, Goodness Meal packs, Regular cases and Glimpse!
With all of the great things that we have to offer, the opportunity is better than ever!
Mike Healy
PS- If you want a more indepth DVD of how I gave all of my presentations and how I presented the Power Of One order the DVD "How to present the perfect business" at
I also have a Brochure called "The Power of One" that many people use during their meetings.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks for this nice post 111213