
Sunday, June 22, 2008

Dr. Miller call updates, and some sound advice

Thanks to Fifi Cheek for the following information:

Dr. Miller and I have made a decision to suspend the monthly Mangosteen Call for the next several months due to travel and time constraints. Therefore, please help us get the word out since this is effective immediately beginning with the July call !

I 'd like to take this opportunity to share a few of our observations with you that I think may be a helpful reminder for everyone ......... Dr. Miller and I have both noticed that, other than a few very rare diseases that come up from time to time, the majority of the questions each month pertain to many of the same diseases that not only have been addressed on all the prior calls but are also covered in general on Dr. Miller's "Mangosteen Q&A" CD and also in his "Serving & Guidelines" brochure.

Many people are literally waiting several weeks to a whole month to get an answer for someone's question about their personal situation rather than realizing that this is just a FRUIT ........ powerful AND with no negative side effects ...... but, just a FOOD .......and people just need to give it a try !!!! Yes, the amount needed may vary which is why one needs to listen to their own body and play around with amounts until they begin to see some relief........but remembering that these Xanthones have powerful medicinal properties and it's important to give the body time as it begins it's own process towards higher health.

I think what I am trying to stress is that it ultimately does not matter so much what name Western medicine has given a particular set of symptoms because all DIS - EASE is exactly what it implies ........ the body is out of balance (generally due to physical inflammation as a result of stress !) so we drink the juice to give our body what it needs to restore balance so the body can begin to do what it's designed to do, which is heal itself !

My feeling is that it's imperative that we keep this as simple as possible just sharing from our hearts about the mangosteen gift we have and then sharing some of the amazing doctor's CD's and educational tools that we have available to us and allowing it to be simple AND duplicateable.
Many thanks to Dr. Albert Miller for his knowledge and time to help us all over the last year and a half. I'd also like to thank each and every one of you for your participation and tremendous support on all the calls. Many of these past calls are archived and available at .

Please help us by getting this information out to everyone quickly since the next call would have been July 1 !!!

Blessings of perfect health and abundance,

Fifi Cheek

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